
Lifespan heat pump dryer

How long does a heat pump dryer last? The lifespan of a heat pump dryer is, on average, 10 to 12 years. However, the lifespan depends on how often the dryer is used, the quality of the construction and the maintenance.

Lifespan heat pump dryer



Picture of Yannick

A wash geek since 2017

Are heat pump dryers energy efficient

Heat pump dryers are more energy efficient than condensing dryers and have an energy label ranging from A+ to A+++-10%. So a heat pump dryer is generally an environmentally conscious choice. However, this is not true for every heat pump dryer. A heat pump dryer may only call itself environmentally friendly if it has an energy label of A+++ or higher. In addition, the build quality must be middle to top class.

And that is where the lifespan of the heat pump dryer comes in. A basic class of build quality, and consequently a shorter lifespan, negates a favorable energy label. If you have to replace your heat pump dryer after just a few years, you can imagine that this is not very environmentally friendly. Think of the energy costs for the production and transportation of the new heat pump dryer.

How long does a heat pump dryer last

What is the lifespan of a heat pump dryer? And what determines that life? The lifespan of a heat pump dryer depends on many different factors. The greatest influence is the amount of use. The more often the heat pump dryer is used per unit of time, the shorter the lifespan. In addition, there are other factors such as the materials used and maintenance. The materials are included in the build quality. The materials are included in the build quality, and the higher this is, the more durable the heat pump dryer will be.

Building quality depends on a number of specifications, such as a stainless steel drum, stainless steel door hinges, a metal enamel housing, a brushless motor, a self-cleaning condenser, cleaning indicators, anti-vibration walls and low moisture emission. The build quality is divided into three classes: basic class, middle class and top class. The heat pump dryer in the basic class has up to 50% of the specifications, the middle class between 50 and 70%, and the top class at least 70%.

What Affects Life

The life of a heat pump dryer is affected by several factors, including unforeseen things. However, there are two factors that have the most influence, and we will take a closer look at them.

You can take this into account as a consumer and user. It is important to make sure that it is built to last, and that it has the right quality and durability. It is therefore important that this is mentioned on the webshops. In general, the higher the build quality, the longer the lifespan. Simply because there is less chance of wear and tear. That’s why we always advise you to avoid the basic build quality. If you want to make a conscious choice, for your wallet and the environment, don’t just choose a heat pump dryer with a favourable energy label, but also with a middle or top class build quality.

There are three classes: top class, middle class and basic class. The class in which a heat pump dryer falls depends on the material it is made of and the specifications it has. The quality of the construction is higher due to the use of durable materials. A heat pump dryer has a stainless steel dryer drum, stainless steel hinges in the door and a housing made of metal with enamel. The less aluminum, the better. The motor is another consideration. A brushless motor has fewer parts and is therefore less sensitive to wear and tear. A self-cleaning condenser and cleaning indicators ensure that maintenance is not neglected. Low moisture emissions prevent parts from rusting and anti-vibration walls prevent vibration and subsequent damage. The classification is then quite clear: a basic class heat pump dryer has less than 50% of these specifications, a medium class between 50% and 70%, and a top class more than 70%.


How often the heat pump dryer is turned on each year also has an impact on its lifespan. We can be brief about this: a heat pump dryer that is used more often will experience more wear and tear, and for that reason will eventually last less long. You can’t take this into account at the time of purchase, but you can when you’re using the dryer. Think about limiting the number of times you dry, and also dry the dryer ‘smarter’. We explain how to do this.

Dry as little as possible

A heat pump dryer is made to last. Yet it stands to reason that a heat pump dryer that runs 10 dry cycles a week won’t last as long as a heat pump dryer that only runs three dry cycles a week. Don’t run half-dryers and do hang the laundry on the line or rack once in a while.

Smart drying

Smart drying means not too full, not too empty. Running an empty drum means that you will turn on the heat pump dryer more often and therefore run more drying cycles. An overloaded drum will lead to an overload, which is not what the heat pump dryer is made for. The heat pump dryer is not designed for this type of load, so be sure to check the fill weight and leave 10% of the drum free to avoid unnecessary damage to the heat pump dryer.

This is how to make your heat pump dryer last

How do you maximise the life of your dryer? We list the tips.

Limit the number of spins

Limit the number of spins. The fewer cycles per period, the longer the life of the heat pump dryer.

Don’t overload the dryer

Don’t overload the dryer. An overloaded dryer can cause the heat pump dryer to break down sooner.

Set the heat pump dryer level

Set the heat pump dryer level, and check after a few months. This reduces the vibration in the heat pump dryer, which automatically means less wear.

Use vibration dampers

Use vibration dampers. Again, less vibration means less wear on the parts.

Maintain your heat pump dryer well

Maintain your heat pump dryer well. Clean the condenser and filter often enough. A dirty filter leads to increased energy consumption, but can also cause the heat pump dryer to break down sooner. Clean the lint filter after every drying cycle. You will then remove the large lint particles. Make sure you clean the filter thoroughly every month with a vacuum cleaner. Most new heat pump dryers have a sensor to indicate when it’s time.

Picture of Yannick

A wash geek since 2017

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