
What does a dishwasher cost

The price of a dishwasher ranges from €300,- euro to as much as €1700,- euro. On average, a dishwasher costs around €600,- euros, so you can be sure that you have a good quality dishwasher. Take care! The price between different types of dishwashers can differ considerably. A built-in dishwasher will easily cost you more than a freestanding model.

What does a dishwasher cost



Picture of Yannick

A wash geek since 2017

What does a dishwasher cost?

The price of a new dishwasher starts at around €350 and can go up to €1700. The cheapest model is often a freestanding one. You can put this dishwasher anywhere, as long as there are enough connections. It must be able to connect to a running tap and an electrical outlet.

You will pay a little more for a built-in dishwasher. The cheapest model starts at $400. In the price range between $400 and $500, you have a lot of choices of dishwashers. You will then have an entry-level model with an energy label of C.

From €700, you will have a dishwasher with some extra features such as a high quality wash and drying technology that gets all types of dishes dry.

Replace your old dishwasher with a new model

Sometimes it can be a lot more efficient to trade in your old dishwasher for a new model. Even if it is not yet due for replacement. An energy-efficient dishwasher uses significantly less water and electricity per wash than the average older one. Within a few years, the new model will pay for itself through energy costs.

To find out whether a dishwasher is energy-efficient, look carefully at the information on its energy label. The label shows how much water and energy is used per wash. That way, you can calculate the cost of running a dishwasher once, every quarter or every year.

Old dishwashers often do not have an eco program, and the standard program often uses significantly more power and water than a more efficient model.

Don’t worry, your dirty dishes will get just as clean even with a dishwasher with a lower consumption!

An energy efficient dishwasher

A dishwasher that has a low consumption per spin will be much cheaper at the end of the year than one with a high consumption. The purchase price may be a bit higher, but that will soon pay for itself.

Most dishwashers are energy class C, D or E, so it’s quite difficult to find an energy-efficient model. In most households, the dishwasher uses the most energy, along with the washing machine.

With a more energy-efficient model, try to fill the machine to the brim before turning it on, to make sure you wash as much as possible each time. That way, a dishwasher will still use a lot per spin, but you won’t have to turn it on as often.

Picture of Yannick

A wash geek since 2017

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